75226 Frame Moulding American

75226 Frame Moulding American



This 19th century American cove design features a dramatic scoop panel with an acanthus leaf adorning each corner. The inside lip is ornamented with a lamb’s tongue and the outside edge is burnished to burnished to a brilliant sheen.

75226 22K Gold, width 4″

American Design Origin:

Prior to 1850, American frames were heavily influenced by European design. After that time however, several important artists made their unique mark on American frame styles.

In the mid-1800’s, the Hudson River School of painters became an influential group in the American art scene. Known for their incredible depictions of newly opened West and America’s wilderness in the Northeast, their paintings too needed to be captured in frames. The Hudson River School frames were generally deeply carved, ornamented and gilded to create a grand presence.

Also during that same period, artist James McNeil Whistler had significant impact on the art world. Through American born, he spent his adulthood living outside of the United States and incorporated several cultural influences into his works. The style of frame named after thus influential artist, the Whistler, has strong lines, but simpler with fewer embellishments than seen previously in American framing. These frames beautifully gilded surfaces and like the Hudson River School frames, have become representative of the American Frame style.

These artist and others had a significant impact on the American frames, and today, inspire the designs for this American style frames.

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