Ann Willsie The Ancient One 36x48


How many of us have walked into a deep forest and been overcome by a strong sense
of calmness and tranquility; a sense of wonder and respect.

Have we not all been left speechless at the sight of a massive, gnarly old tree that you
know has probably been on this earth for eons. Have you touched an old tree and felt
its strength and its history ripple through your hands?

I have always felt a powerful connection to trees. When I travel I seek out areas of
ancient forests and trees. I recently went to Spain and stood amid a grove of olive trees
that were purportedly over 1500 years old. They were magnificent. I was so moved by
them - they are living, breathing creatures and if they could only talk, we would know the
history of the earth around them.

But trees also play such an important role in our lives – we could not live without trees.
Trees provide the human race with oxygen, and they absorb carbon in their roots,
branches and leaves. Forests act as giant filters to clean the soil and the air we breathe.
They stabilize slope erosion; they dramatically reduce the effects of flash flooding by
taking in the water, which in turn counters droughts.

Trees provide us with a buffer for noise pollution and wind. They also act as air
conditioners to provide a cooling effect of up to 12 degrees in the shade.

Deforestation and forest fires result in the release of the carbon stored in the trees ,
accounting for over 10% of greenhouse gas emissions. Last year alone, fires destroyed
over 1.2 million hectares of forests in British Columbia, which in turn resulted in 200
million tons of CO2 to be released into the air. This year it is the fires in the Amazon that
are drawing attention to the effects of climate change. Weather patterns will be affected
on a global scale by the loss in the Amazon rain forest.

It is our responsibility to look after our planet. We all need to be accountable for our
actions and their repercussions. We need trees to survive. They are the guardians of

This exhibition of paintings will pay tribute to these magnificent icons of our past and the
impact they have on our lives. My hope is that as you view these paintings of trees and
contemplate their existence, you will come to appreciate their importance to the human
race. And hopefully you will take that walk in the woods soon, to sit quietly and listen to
the silence, and feel the calm, healing power of the forest.

Ann Willsie

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