Sophie Paquet An Introduction

Sophie Paquet
Sophie Paquet

Sophie Paquet's art is a revelation, a burst of color and passion that invigorates the soul. Her paintings of sensuous flowers are a symphony of movement and playfulness, captured in bold strokes and subtle nuances of texture. They speak of a life lived fully, of a talent honed with care and dedication, of a spirit unbound by convention.

Sophie Paquet Somewhere In April 36x12
Somewhere In April 36x12

Sophie's journey as an artist began in childhood, under the influence of her father, a decorator, and architect with an artistic bent. His passion for sketching and drawing inspired Sophie to explore her own creativity and to find her own voice in the world of art. She pursued her studies with dedication and hard work, earning her degree in visual arts from Université Laval, and honing her skills in graphic design.

But it was a chance encounter with a master artist that set Sophie on the path to greatness. Claude Theberge, a world-renowned graphic artist, recognized Sophie's talent and encouraged her to embrace her unique style, "Expressionist Florals", to let go of convention and follow her own creative vision. From that moment on, Sophie's paintings were infused with a sense of freedom and spontaneity, a joyous abandon that is infectious and inspiring.

Sophie Paquet Im Coming Home 30x30
I'm Coming Home 36x36

Sophie's studio is a place of magic, a space where the ordinary gives way to the extraordinary. There, surrounded by the trappings of her art, she loses herself in the flow of creativity, following the muse wherever it may lead. Her paintings are a reflection of her soul, a celebration of life and love and all that is beautiful in the world.

Sophie's art is more than just a collection of paintings. It is a testament to the power of passion and perseverance, a reminder that we all have within us the ability to create beauty and joy in the world. Her paintings leave us in a Happy, Happy, Joyful place, filled with wonder and gratitude for the gift of life itself.

Creations Art Gallery & Framing Studio

436 Wilson Street East, Ancaster, Ontario, Canada    L9G 2C3
Phone: 905 648-6199 

Featured Artwork of Sophie Paquet

Sophie Paquet Somewhere In April 36×12

“Somewhere In April” by Sophie Paquet. The Original has the following dimensions 36” Height x 12” Width. This is an Acrylic on Canvas with the following style notes . This is Available Framed or Available Unframed. The following are some of the subject notes; . Please contact us for additional information or to see this placed virtually on your home wall or office.

Limited Time Offer: 

Elevate your artwork with our exclusive framing options, available now at absolutely no extra cost. Whether you’re drawn to the sophistication of ‘Tailored Elegance’ or the sleekness of ‘Bespoke Modernity’, there’s a perfect frame waiting to enhance your chosen piece. Don’t miss out on this special opportunity to add a finishing touch that complements both your art and your interior. Offer valid while supplies last. Some limitations apply.

Gold Frame P1

Tailored Elegance, Gold-P1

Black Frame P1

Bespoke Modernity, Black-P1

Silver Frame P1

Custom Harmony, Silver-P1

Bronze Frame P1

Personalized! Bronze-P1.

Sophie Paquet Start Over 36×12

“Start Over” by Sophie Paquet. The Original has the following dimensions 36” Height x 12” Width. This is an Acrylic on Canvas with the following style notes . This is Available Framed or Available Unframed. The following are some of the subject notes; . Please contact us for additional information or to see this placed virtually on your home wall or office.


Limited Time Offer: 

Elevate your artwork with our exclusive framing options, available now at absolutely no extra cost. Whether you’re drawn to the sophistication of ‘Tailored Elegance’ or the sleekness of ‘Bespoke Modernity’, there’s a perfect frame waiting to enhance your chosen piece. Don’t miss out on this special opportunity to add a finishing touch that complements both your art and your interior. Offer valid while supplies last. Some limitations apply.

Gold Frame P1

Tailored Elegance, Gold-P1

Black Frame P1

Bespoke Modernity, Black-P1

Silver Frame P1

Custom Harmony, Silver-P1

Bronze Frame P1

Personalized! Bronze-P1.

Sophie Paquet Make A memory 48×12

“Somewhere In April” by Sophie Paquet. The Original has the following dimensions 36” Height x 12” Width. This is an Acrylic on Canvas with the following style notes . This is Available Framed or Available Unframed. The following are some of the subject notes; . Please contact us for additional information or to see this placed virtually on your home wall or office.


Limited Time Offer: 

Elevate your artwork with our exclusive framing options, available now at absolutely no extra cost. Whether you’re drawn to the sophistication of ‘Tailored Elegance’ or the sleekness of ‘Bespoke Modernity’, there’s a perfect frame waiting to enhance your chosen piece. Don’t miss out on this special opportunity to add a finishing touch that complements both your art and your interior. Offer valid while supplies last. Some limitations apply.

Gold Frame P1

Tailored Elegance, Gold-P1

Black Frame P1

Bespoke Modernity, Black-P1

Silver Frame P1

Custom Harmony, Silver-P1

Bronze Frame P1

Personalized! Bronze-P1.

Sophie Paquet Morning Light 48×12

“Morning Light” by Sophie Paquet. The Original has the following dimensions 48” Height x 12” Width. This is an Acrylic on Canvas with the following style notes . This is Available Framed or Available Unframed. The following are some of the subject notes; . Please contact us for additional information or to see this placed virtually on your home wall or office.

Limited Time Offer: 

Elevate your artwork with our exclusive framing options, available now at absolutely no extra cost. Whether you’re drawn to the sophistication of ‘Tailored Elegance’ or the sleekness of ‘Bespoke Modernity’, there’s a perfect frame waiting to enhance your chosen piece. Don’t miss out on this special opportunity to add a finishing touch that complements both your art and your interior. Offer valid while supplies last. Some limitations apply.

Gold Frame P1

Tailored Elegance, Gold-P1

Black Frame P1

Bespoke Modernity, Black-P1

Silver Frame P1

Custom Harmony, Silver-P1

Bronze Frame P1

Personalized! Bronze-P1.

Sophie Paquet Beautiful Mind 48×12

“Beautiful Mind” by Sophie Paquet. The Original has the following dimensions 48” Height x 12” Width. This is an Acrylic on Canvas with the following style notes . This is Available Framed or Available Unframed. The following are some of the subject notes; . Please contact us for additional information or to see this placed virtually on your home wall or office.


Limited Time Offer: 

Elevate your artwork with our exclusive framing options, available now at absolutely no extra cost. Whether you’re drawn to the sophistication of ‘Tailored Elegance’ or the sleekness of ‘Bespoke Modernity’, there’s a perfect frame waiting to enhance your chosen piece. Don’t miss out on this special opportunity to add a finishing touch that complements both your art and your interior. Offer valid while supplies last. Some limitations apply.

Gold Frame P1

Tailored Elegance, Gold-P1

Black Frame P1

Bespoke Modernity, Black-P1

Silver Frame P1

Custom Harmony, Silver-P1

Bronze Frame P1

Personalized! Bronze-P1.

Copyright © 1985 Creations Art Gallery & Framing Studio | All rights reserved.

Creations Art Gallery LogoCreations Art Gallery & Framing Studio
436 Wilson St. E., Ancaster, ON., Canada L9G 2C3
Phone: 905 648-6199

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